What enrollment changes are needed when a baby is born?

What enrollment changes are needed when a baby is born?

If you're pregnant, we suggest you review this knowledge base article first:  https://helpcenter.salahealthcare.org/portal/en/kb/articles/wa

Regarding changes to your enrollment here are the steps and some other considerations:

  1. Notify SALA (hpsupport@smallassociations.org) as soon as you can.
  2. Your new dependent will be effective in the program on the date they are born and any changes to your enrollment will be back dated to the first of the month in which the baby is born.  (e.g. date of birth is December 10, changes will be made for the December 1-31 enrollment period).
  3. Dependent information will need to be provided on Sedera and/or eBenefits dependent add/remove form that SALA will provide to you when you contact us.
  4. Please remember if this is your first child your enrollment type may change.  For example, you're probably enrolled as a member and spouse, but will need to change that to member family with the arrival of your child.  This will likely result in some catch-up payments being due for the month of birth or possibly the first two months, depending on when we're notified and can process the changes.
  5. Lastly, we can help you get updated eBenefits cards with your new child reflected as a dependent.

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